A review by dantastic
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories by Alvin Schwartz


I bought this last year so I could read it out loud to my son when he got a little older. I borrowed it from the library a couple times when I was a wee one. Today seemed like a good time to read it to him since it's gloomy out and he's home sick.

Anyway, my son was too busy jumping around so I read it to myself. This book contains seven ghost stories told in a style suitable for young readers. I was in first grade when I read it so that gives you an idea of the reading level.

The Green Ribbon is still my favorite almost forty years after I first read it. Her head falls off when the green ribbon is removed. Who doesn't love that? The Night it Rained is another favorite. "But our son has been dead for over a year," etc.

Dirk Zimmer's art is creepy but not super creepy. I'm glad this edition still uses the art from the 1984 edition.

Four out of five stars. I'll be glad to read it to my son when he's not too busy bouncing around the living room.