A review by tobin_elliott
The Reigns of Terror: Volumes 1-3 by Jack Reigns

adventurous challenging dark emotional mysterious reflective tense fast-paced


It's a crime that this collection has no reviews. Horror readers, where ARE you???

This slim volume packs a solid punch. A baker's dozen of horror tales, four from each of the Kindle collections, FAMILY, THE WOODS, and GHOSTS, plus a bonus tale included in the hard copy collection.

Reigns doesn't mess around. He sets up a situation quickly and cleanly, gives you enough character info to move forward, then proceeds to slap the reader around gleefully.

I read a lot, and I read a lot of horror, and what I find far too often is the same old same old being trotted out again and again. The same tropes. The same scares. The same themes.

So, when I come across a collection where the author digs new ground, explores some mostly unused trails, and gives me something fresh? I appreciate the hell out of it. And I do here. Honestly, of the thirteen tales here, there's probably ten or eleven that made me jealous, because I knew I'd never come up with something that simple, yet that diabolical. So Reigns, while entertaining me, also earns my respect.

The standouts for me were
- The Box
- It's a Girl
- A Long Drive (likely my favourite of the bunch)
- Labour Shortage
- The Superior Hunters
- Burnout

And this is not to say the other seven weren't amazing. They were. But the ones above just hit me the exact right way.

Absolutely a collection worth picking up. Nice, quick hits of horror.