A review by anthonybanthony
Defy the Storm by Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland


Rating: C
I might seem down on this, but I liked it more than Out of the Shadows or Path of Deceit. Meaningful stuff happens, both in the context of its own story and the broader High Republic narrative, and it moves quicker. My biggest problem is that I still don't love the writing. It feels a bit, for lack of a better world, cold. Emotions and events aren't given the proper time/reverence. I couldn't get lost in story because key events felt truncated. Far from the worst Star Wars book you'll read, but it won't bowl you over. I thought Jordanna and Syl's relationship was cute and would've like to have seen more of it. They spend significant portions of this and Out of the Shadows apart, which I think is a mistake.

Also, whenever they mentioned the space station named 'Lightning Crash', I thought of this song: