A review by hippiedaizy
Knight & Stay by Kitty French


Oh man, I wanted to like this more than I did.

I was hoping to find more of a showdown/fight for what you want from either Dan or Lucien. I didn't get that. I did get Sophie Black turn into this confident little firecracker though and I LOVED it.

SpoilerWhat happened to Dan? Did he go back to Maria? How did he handle the divorce? How did Sophie handle the divorce? What was Lucien's role? Did he say anything when he found out he came crawling back the night they got back from Paris? So after everything, Lucien still wouldn't marry Sophie? I thought that maybe the last line would have been something along the lines of Mrs. Knight to know they indeed were married, but instead I got no boundaries, no lies, no one else. Ummm... okay. How did he react when he found out Sophie was pregnant? Look all these questions I still have. ACK! I want answers.