A review by bybrookenelson
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix


Have I mentioned I'm a little bit jumpy? Because I am a little bit jumpy, and this audiobook had me nervously shifting all over the place.

I am very new to the horror genre within books. (I do have a tendency toward scary movies.) But this was a definite win for me. The MC was phenomenal, both compelling and frustrating, sometimes at the same time. Hendrix did a great job writing from a female's perspective without making it sound like he is a man writing from a female perspective. I appreciate when male authors are able to write a woman that I relate to; this reminded me a bit of Riley Sager's books in that respect.

I have read one of Hendrix's other books, Horrorstör, in the past, and I was not overly impressed. I am also permanently scarred in the sense that I can no longer walk around an IKEA store without feeling somewhat certain that if I opened one of the fake display doors, it would lead me somewhere I don't want to be.

That being said, How To Sell a Haunted House was an absolute thrill of a story. I was spooked out the whole time. Even in the beginning, when the real scary parts hadn't shown up yet, the story was still so well-written that I wanted to keep moving. And once the action started up, I didn't want to stop until I reached the end.

Were there some brutal parts? For sure. Was it as unnecessarily gross as Horrorstör? Not even close. I hope Hendrix realizes how great this story is continues writing this type of horror. This is what I need more of in my life.

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