A review by sarahscupofcoffee
This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp


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I hate this book. I love this book. I hate this book.

If you're looking for a quick, page-turning read that will rip up your insides... look no further. Nijkamp is brilliant. The writing is beautiful. She makes great use of imagery and description, propelling the plot with each sentence. This is a short book, but she doesn't waste one word. Each word is meaningful.

From chapter one, she starts us in action. She doesn't dillydally with the plot.

The way the book is set up is gorgeous, too. Each chapter is timestamped. Each chapter represents a few minutes in the shooting and then is broken into several point of views. Each character is doing something different within those few minutes. This way, we get to see several point of views for the same few minutes, to see what each character is doing at the same time. Its genius.

My sister (age 12) asked me if I would read this book with her. I didn't know what this book was about, but I knew it was good and went highly recommended. I agreed and I'm so glad I did. We've been talking about the book back and forth as we've been reading it and yesterday (around Chapter 22), I threw my book across the room and texted her.

From then on, it got real. This book is graphic with blood and loss, drenched in grief, and is one hundred percent real.

I'm a baby when it comes to books. I'm a sap and cry at all sorts of literary things, but I actually held it together. When people were dying and it was getting rough, my eyes were tearing up, but I didn't want to stop reading to cry, so I pushed through. Then I threw my book across the room, texted my sister, and picked it up again because I didn't want to cry.

After I read the last sentence, which was a beautiful last sentence to end the book on, I tossed the book on my bed and cried. Sobbed, really.

It's a beautifully written, gut-wrenching book about something that happens all over the place.

Reading this book proves how badly my timing sucks. My boyfriend always gives me crap for my timing, but it's true. I'm getting back into education after being out of it for about a year. I have an interview Monday. Timing sucks.

However, I love Marieke Nijkamp for her writing style and will be reading her other books.