A review by thomas_edmund
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction by H.P. Lovecraft, S.T. Joshi

There is some sorrow in working through an epic compendium like this - so much Lovecraft, and yet knowing that once finished that is essentially it (poetry and letters only remain.)

Reading Lovecraft is like a study in influence of modern horror (and some sci-fi) his shorter earlier fiction shines brightest the longer novellas being hit and miss, some pieces such as the Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath were rambling distractions of terminology where The Case of Charles Dexter Ward possess intriguing characterisation along with signature supernatural elements.

My new favourite is The Thing on the Doorstep, a short story with the strongest mythos (aside from Chu-Chu himself) and most memorable characters.

The music of Erich Zann, The Rats in the Walls, are two stand-out stories, Mountains of Madness is a strong piece although bogged down in mythology.

Obviously some of these pieces are getting dated, the blatant racism, mild sexism and elitism are surprisingly unjarring although quite noticeable.