A review by bookishhill
How to Marry a Marble Marquis by C.M. Nascosta


2.5/5 ⭐️s

This was (mostly) a mess.

I liked the premise. The “teach me” trope is always interesting…But damn, this just didn’t deliver for me.

To start, it could’ve benefited from a good editing because it was wordy as hell. We spent so much time in Silas’ head as he had incredibly inane conversations with himself, and it bored me to tears. Most of the story also lacked cohesiveness and felt extremely clunky. We got abrupt transitions, murky timelines, and bizarre flashbacks that would’ve served better being told sequentially.

As far as the characters, Silas was an ass for a huge chunk of this book, and I gladly could’ve done with Eleanor making him grovel much more than she did. I did like Eleanor herself though (once she grew a backbone).

But their romance was lacking chemistry for most of this book. The spice felt bland and loveless, and their banter often fell flat. I didn’t warm up to them until they were at the ball, and since that’s the end of the book, it felt like too little too late. Also, I was promised Somnophilia and really expected more than the two throw away paragraphs we got of that in the epilogue. Meh.

Spice: 2/5