A review by katiedermody
Calling All Boys by Judy Katschke


My sister and have been working to downsize our stuff left at our parents' house and when we were together at Easter we looked through our old collection of Mary Kate and Ashley VHSs, which then reminded me that I used to read their books and that my fave were the Two of a Kind spinoff where they go to boarding school. So, I ordered the trilogy to reread and this is the first. The girls arrive at the all girls boarding school and their dad gives them a surprise: a cell phone for emergencies! It's hilarious how much things have changed since the year 2000. Anyways, when the girls find out there is a Sadie Hawkins dance with the boys from the school down the road they use their phone to set themselves and random people up on dates even though they don't know the boys. Uhoh, that can't go well! Obviously a quick little read for me now but it was a fun blast from the past, very nostalgic.