A review by sareidle
The Gospel of Wellness: Gyms, Gurus, Goop, and the False Promise of Self-Care by Rina Raphael

informative reflective slow-paced


I appreciated Rina Raphael's balanced and informed approach to wellness culture. She has a wealth of firsthand experience and is sympathetic to individuals who seek out alternative solutions to systemic healthcare issues. My main issue was the tongue-in-cheek turns of phrase Raphael used which took me out of the narrative. For example, on page 301: "For those who blur the line between health and business growth, take their product suggestions with a grain of Himalayan salt." Another instance is found on page 277: "Premier health clubs are but a chia seed in the granola bowl of upscale wellness." These twists on idioms are not very funny and distract from the real value provided by Raphael's journalism. Overall, I'm glad I read this book and learned a lot about historical and contemporary approaches to wellness.

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