A review by morgan_blackledge
Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest by Stephen E. Ambrose


I will try to avoid gushing, but I am in awe of what these guys did and what they sacrificed. To say that whole generation of people was an inspiration is an understatement.

My grandfather was in both wars. But he never really talked much about them. What could he have said to a little kid. As an adolescent, I couldn't have possibly understood what he saw or what he went through or the historical significance of it all. But in retrospect, from my adult perspective, I'm so amazed by what my grandparents did and the peaceful, opulent life they gave us.

Reading this book is really helping me understand what they endured, what they accomplished and what it must have been like to see us all living in peace and prosperity after growing up in the Great Depression and fighting that war.

My parents were radical left wing baby boomers, so needless to say they were pretty critical of their parents generation. I can see it from their perspective too. But again, as an adult, with the aid of this book, I can better understand why my grandparents felt the way they did about global politics and the role of U.S. military intervention.

Like a lot of people, I read the book after watching the HBO mini series. I loved the series and I loved being able to re-experience the stories and characters all over again as I read the book. It was interesting to spontaneously recall the imagery of the show as I encountered the analogous section of the book. I'm really impressed with the way the series rendered the events in the book with such fidelity.

I'm new to these types of military history books, so I have literally nothing else to compare this to. But I devoured this book and I feel like it's a terrific introduction. In fact I'm certain it's the initial installment of a first class bender of reading in the genre. I already have a huge stack of other books about WWII that I can't wait to get into.

Great book. Great series. Greatest generation.