A review by hikaoru
Docile by K.M. Szpara


I will not be shamed by reviewers to give a lower star.

There's a lot to say here.
This is a fucked up book.
The sooner we accept it the better.
If this is made as a trilogy or even a duology mayyyybe they could explore it better. Kinda like [b:Unwind|764347|Unwind (Unwind, #1)|Neal Shusterman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1297677706l/764347._SX50_.jpg|750423] where we could see how society just let it happen. To be fair, society has proven again and again that they won't care unless it happens to them. Case in point, Ughyur in China and currently Myanmar's issue. I mean, we see it, we move on.
On a smaller scale, almost everyone I know has student loan debt, some guised under scholarship but it tethers us so.......still not freely given. But it's normalised. I wonder what we'll normalise in the future, it's a slow thing....insideous.

The story is engaging, the non-consensual sex just adds fuel to the fire. I figure the author uses sex as shock value because it's so taboo or maybe because it's something that would cross a lot of people's line.

I dunno how to respond to Alex & Elisha's love but it screamed Stockholme's. Should I symphatised with Alex that ruined Elisha? The ending was open ended so at least they're not paired off so I won't feel too icky inside.

Still can't forgive Dutch's or Onyx behavior with the sex at the party. Nope.

There's a lot of trauma creation going on in here but I like how it exaggerates on what is normal in real life. People don't like to get to know the real deal behind "the help". Don't like knowing them on a personal level, that they too are people with struggles of their own.
When Alex think that he doesn't want to know the drama of the debtors aka his docile's, that's what a lot of people think of. They give alms, hand outs, but they don't really want to know their problems because then they realise it's structural and they're also part of the problem. Like what Alex said, they grew used to the comfort, how can they give them up?

I do think it wrapped up too nicely, like a HEA thing.
Like suddenly there's a cure and he has aspirations to help.
It's fiction and they do deserve it.
Felt too easy.
But I like the cutesy ending, something that can't ever occur in real life.

I wanted to stop here. But I can't. It violates a lot of human rights. Like seriously, what's with the list of rules before taking Dociline (no idea how to spell it). Are they fucking serious. How can someone knows their rights are violated if they're medicated outta their mind? What case workers? They're all bought anyway. And that Next of Kin law. Such bs.
Elisha was soo right that it wasn't really the drugs fault, the fault lays in every single cog in the machine that make the wealthy, wealthier.