A review by beckylej
The Key by Mats Strandberg, Sara Bergmark Elfgren


If you haven't read the trilogy, I definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND starting with The Key. You have to read them in order or you'll be totally lost! That said, I'm going to give a spoiler-feee review, or as close to, my absolute best shot here.

Here goes!

The Chosen Ones have suffered greatly over the past year and now their circle is down to four. Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse. Through Matilda, the girls learn that the end is truly nigh. In fact, it's said they'll finally be facing the demons in exactly one year. But as Minoo, Linnéa, Vanessa, and Anna-Karin prepare for their final fight, it seems the Guardians have lost faith in the Chosen Ones and their ability to defeat the demons. If the Guardians are right, then they never stood a chance. But, if the Guardians are wrong, Minoo and her friends are the only thing standing in the way of the apocalypse.

I've been so looking forward to seeing how this story would end that I kind of forgot this was going to mean saying goodbye to the characters. It's a good thing then that The Key is a chunkster of a read! It meant I got to spend a little more time with everyone before it all came to its conclusion.

I've sung the praises of the authors' character development at length in both of my previous reviews (The Circle and Fire). It's been one of my favorite things about this trilogy - the fact that we've gotten to know these characters in such great detail - and it's no different here in the final book. It's senior year and each of them is unsure what will come after school. If there is an after. Big changes are coming for each of them as are some big revelations that will affect them personally and in their fight to save the world. Frankly I don't envy these teens!

Of course with great characters comes an understandable attachment to them. As such I have to say I was kind of upset about Ida's fate in Fire. I was pleased as punch when The Key began with her, though! It was all I could do not to constantly obsess about what it meant for the group and for her in particular. Go, Ida!

Anyway, I've got nothing but love for these books. I adore them. I'm super jealous that there's now a movie out in Sweden. Not sure when or if it'll make it's way to our shores - I can't even find a trailer with subtitles - but I certainly hope so. In the meantime, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to get everyone reading this witchy Swedish teen trilogy.