A review by romancedispatch
Pucked Up by Helena Hunting

No rating because DNF at 49%

Spoilers ahead (from the part I read) because I need to vent!

“”Kale! Stop it! I’m on the phone with Miller! Put me down—”
The call drops; beep-beep-beeping is the last thing I get. I stare at the blank screen, a hot feeling creeping up the back of my neck.
If I was on the ice right now, I’d probably get myself a penalty. I feel like I might be getting fucked around, and I don’t like it.”

Okay, no, I’m not reading this anymore. I’m too angry on Buck’s behalf. Yeah, no, done, I’m done.

I was already enraged when starting this book, because Buck gets trashed regularly in the first book ... BY HIS SISTER.

In fact, he comes across like he is a walking venereal disease who potentially has a sick crush on Violet, his (step)sister. Violet is extremely aggressive towards Buck in the first book, and that’s all the time, and she repeatedly insults him by stating what a manwhore he is, and how ugly and hairy he is.
That’s terrible stepsister behaviour. I mean, you can dislike someone’s ways, but hating on them like that? It’s just horrible on your part.

When this book came out, I thought: finally, we are going to get more insight on Buck that’s going to counteract what we learnt in the first book. WELL. Was I in for a treat.

Here’s what we learn about Buck from the first pages:

- He is really into Sunny, holding himself back for her;
- He is insecure and can’t say no to his deranged, immature friends, which is why he ends up in a whole lot of social media trouble;
- he is dyslexic, which does not help with communication;
- he is self-conscious about his body and hair situation.

And nevertheless....NOBODY is on his side!

His “friends” are a menace and a threat rather than helpful. Violet is hateful and mean to him, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Violet’s boyfriend even harms Buck during practice.
And last but not least, Sunny.
Ah, Sunny.

Sunny is a arrogant, dictatorial person (who makes him feel bad because he is not vegan!) and never takes his side, very quickly judging him, never hearing his side of the story.
What’s more, she refuses to call him her boyfriend (but he’s good enough to travel to Canada for her, and good enough to have sex with her), she keeps his visit from her parents, and last but not least, goes camping with HER EX with no respect for his feelings whatsoever.
One second she is angry about his Instagram shots with fans (okay, mostly naked fans, which is not okay) - but then she is allowed to go camping with her ex of four years and that is okay? Talk about mind games.

So yeah, I dislike everything about this story, it’s a shame and I’m not reading any more of this BS. Mia OUT.