A review by whimsyvoid
The Darkest Torment by Gena Showalter


My Thoughts:

You ever read a book and while you’re reading it; you’re thinking ‘This is going to end badly, isn’t it?’ I was wrong. So very wrong. And I’m grateful I was wrong. When Ms. Showalter told her fans on FB that she was going to be writing Baden’s story. I was worried. Because I didn’t know him all that well. Why couldn’t we get someone else? Why did we have to get a man who was gone for so many years?

After I read it, I sat still for a while. I was…this is one of her best written book she’s written. I was amazed. I fell in love with him and the women who bought him to his knees. She was like a normal person. While he was this warrior. The story was just brilliant. And it’s one of her best pieces.

And damn her for making him like a Jamie from Outlander. Evil women.

Good Points:

It started with a beginning, a middle and an end. I wasn’t confused. I wasn’t lost. I was the hero. I was a normal women who was bought into the mess of the lord’s world. And healed a broken man.

Katarina at first was scared. She was trying to take care of herself and this man was doing all the work. But then, somewhere along the lines, she grew. She grew into a hero herself. She became a warrior who could do just as much as any man. Ms. Showalter didn’t just let Baden rule her. She made Rina rule Baden. A lot of books don’t do that. Most of the time, the men are the warriors and the women sits back. Oh no, not Rina. She was like ‘You better like me for who I am because I am not backing down.’ At first, Baden didn’t agree. He fought her. He was used to doing things alone. He didn’t share his problems. But she kept pushing him and showing him she was able. Finally, he learned that she was strong in a different why and what he needed. He stopped fighting her and their loved bloomed into a powerful thing.

I ended up really liking Baden. I could see how and why Ms. Showalter wrote him first. He was needed for the lords. Their family needed the soft man with a loveable yet scary beast. I really enjoyed his book.

Bad Points:

The beginning of the book was slow. It took me a bet to get into Baden’s story. And I think for myself; that was because I didn’t know him. I only heard a few stories about him and then bam! He got his own story. So it was hard to really like him. And for a bit, he was really pig headed. I wanted to slap him a few times. He may not have meant too but he was hurting Rina with his words. He wanted to take care of her. To be the man, where’s she didn’t agree. She wanted them to face things together as equals. Not separate. It took a while for him to really see that. So that was hard for me. I wanted him to just let go but he was so stubborn. There was a lot of sighing throughout his book. Lol

I don’t know if I dislike Hades or if there’s just more to his story that we don’t know. But he was bugging me a lot. He was using them for his own gain and where I understand, it was still hard for me to just like him. Usually I love the bad guys. Their so much better then heroes sometimes but Hades is hard. I don’t know where he starts and where he begins. We learn a few things about him but still, it doesn’t give him a reason to be a dick. >.< I know Ms. Showalter has an idea where it’s going but for the meantime, I’m going to harden my heart against that man.


A bad, beastly warrior falls in love with a women who has the power to heal his broken heart. It’s a Once upon time but she writes her story. A story that’s funny, painful at times but in the end, a story that’s really just a beginning.