A review by hdbblog
The Changelings by Elle Casey


Picking up The Changelings was something I am so happy I did! After finishing this last night, I'm still reeling from the total awesome package that Elle Casey has put forth in this story. Fabulous characters, an amazing and quick moving plot line, dark ktwists and turns. This is a book that I absolutely devoured. Anyone who tells you self-published books are inferior to traditionally published books...well they haven't read this.

Jayne Sparks is quite a powder keg of a girl! She's feisty, she's tough, and she has more potential brewing inside her than she truly knows. Equipped with a mouth to match her attitude, there are quite a few times where Jayne's sentiments about her situation made me crack up laughing. Be warned, Jayne does have a potty-mouth. If she's feeling it, she's not afraid to speak it (or think it rather loudly). I loved her for that. Her wit keeps the book moving, and her honest feelings keep you in step with her the whole way through the book.

The other characters don't fade into black though, despite how lovely and loud Jayne is. Each of her compatriots has their own fantastic personality, complete with strengths and weaknesses. I grew to adore each of them in time. To be honest I became so wrapped up in them after a while, that any time there was the possibility of a battle I was breathless. You know that feeling when you don't want your favorite person to be snuffed out? Multiply that by the number of characters in this book and you've got a reader who is barely breathing as she flips the pages.

I'm not going to lie, The Changelings initially threw me off. I heard fae, and I thought about every other book I've read pertaining to their lore. Color me surprised when Jayne's story was a lot darker than I expected. The plot moves at a fiery pace, and the twists and turns will keep you on your feet. There is death in this story. There is blood, gore and fighting. Fair warning. If that's not for you, you might want to keep your distance. If you're like me though, you'll eat it up and just read faster.

Long story short, this was a book that I more than enjoyed! I loved it. The ending caught me off guard, although it was perfectly done. With that evil cliffhanger looming over me, you can guarantee that I'll be impatiently waiting for more! Now that I've met Jayne, now that I've seen what fantastic writing Elle Casey is capable of, I'm a fan girl. Count me in for more.