A review by melhunt182
Stray by Rachel Vincent


*4.5 stars*

Anyone that knows me, knows I love cats. I don't have one currently, because we moved recently, but I had 5 when living with my mum and still go back and visit them reguarly (and her too, I guess, but it's mainly for the cats). So reading a urban fantasy series about WERECATS was just awesome for me. But going into Stray, I was a little dubious due to reviews saying it wasn't a great book. I should know by now not to judge based on other peoples opinions, but when the majority of my friends that read this book didn't like it, it's bound to make me uncertain. Luckily enough, I knew from chapter one that I liked this book, despite the obvious flaws.

I agree with most people, Faythe is a bit of an idiot at times. But I did understand a lot of her annoyance at her family and the pressure they put her under. Even though she did cause a lot of problems with her weird decisions, I found this book to be so much fun to read. I whizzed through the 600 pages in 3 days, the majority read in just 2, which is good for me of recent. I also immediately bought and started book 2, which is unusual for me. So it's safe to say this was one of the better books I've read in quite a long while.