A review by jynx66
The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter


Posted At: Riverina Romantics
Rating: 5/5 *
Romance Rating: 4/5 <3

I have never cried from reading a book before. Never. And guess what? This book made me do just that. I don't know what it was about this book that grabbed my heartstrings the way it did, but by the time I read the final word on the last page, my eyes were tearing and I had a huge grin on my face.

That is how you know you read a good book.

I honestly don't know what to say about this one. Amun and Haidee were such a perfect match for each other. My heart was already being twisted when it came to Amun, all because of how the previous book ended and this one began. Just picturing him and his condition was enough to make me wish I could just make it all disappear. It was torture. But I'm so glad Haidee had the personality she did, because any other woman would not have been able to complete Amun the way she did. She was every single complement to our beloved demon, and made him so much more than he had been reduced to. They saved each other from their own personal hells--and gave each other a happiness that neither believed they would ever have.

Him and was incredibly passionate and caring man. He was lucid enough, everybody had, everything he did, screamed to the loyalty and commitment that could rival even the most pure hearted creature. He never once did anything selfishly. It was all for the betterment of his friends, even at a great cost to himself. He didn't see it as anything negative. He believed the sacrifices were pivotal to improving the lives of his brothers and their loved ones. Never once he regret anything he did for them. He was a complete giving soul, and those gifts were worth anything he endured. I have never believed a character to be nobler than him. It was mind blowing, and brought me such joy to experience it from his point of view.

And dear God, Haidee! I cannot imagine having to go through what she had to endure. I don't think I would've remained sane. She was a very strong woman, she had to be. Her determination, her wit, and her loyalty--once it found its true place--were unshakable. All because of the mistaken identity, she was able to open her mind to a whole new world of possibilities. Even though she didn't understand why, she embraced it, and she discovered her life would have been forever incomplete. Her bonding to Amun was so deeply believable. Had it been done any other way, I don't think I would've bought it. She was truly an amazing and strong woman. The things in her past, the hell she was shoved into, it would've made any normal woman died of a heart attack. But Haidee push through it and excelled. She beat her past. She defeated her fear. And she won love.

This installment of my beloved Lords was beautiful. It has definitely earned a spot on my favorite shelves.