A review by martyomenko
My Name Is Mahtob: The Story That Began the Global Phenomenon Not Without My Daughter Continues by Mahtob Mahmoody


I was in my teens when I first read Betty Mahmoody's story and it stuck with me. When I viewed the movie, I was struck by how they had downplayed the abuse for the movie. When I read Mahtob's story, I was once again struck by it. What brave women!

These two women, experienced horror. They survived. But not only survived, they became conquerers through it all. They did not allow it to embitter them, but instead sought out to enrich others lives. Mahtob became a mental health professional, while her mother fought to change policy and promote safety for others in her position.

As much as I hated to see their experiences, this book is amazing! The letter at the end was one that I would say was a work of art. She is the prime example of forgiveness, love and care, yet she never spoke to her father again. She was able to remember the things she loved about him, the culture, the food and yet reject the evil narcissistic and abusive behavior that separated her from him. She, despite his evil and the harm he did to them, conquered and went on with her life.

I loved how she pointed out that it didn't mean that they were healed because they forgave. It did not mean they had a relationship with her father, even as she prayed for him. Most of all, I loved seeing the relationship with God that grew through her years afterwards.
This is only my third book of 2016, but I can tell you now, it is going on the top reads of the year already. What an incredible, life changing story! If you have not read "Not without my daughter", check it out as well, but don't miss reading this incredible book as well.