A review by booksmithscientist
Period by Emma Barnett


Hi there, do you have a relationship with Periods? (Yes, I'm capitalising it.) You need to read this book.

No matter whether you do or don't experience the Period yourself, I'm telling you to read this. And I'm haemophobic so you've got no excuse.

This book covers the entire journey from first to last blood and all of the outrage felt by the bleeding and non-bleeding folk across the world. From politicians being embarrassed by the words vagina and period in parliament to the amazing work being done across the world by both women and men.

As Edgar Momplaisir put it 'Women need to be able to talk about their periods as openly as guys talk about getting wood.'

Let's all give this book a read and break down the taboo behind periods. Oh and, chuck a pack of pads or tampons in the homeless shelter collection at the supermarket next time you see one. Thanks!