A review by morgan_blackledge
Writing Creative Nonfiction by Tilar J. Mazzeo


I’m currently taking a course in writing nonfiction.

The course is part of my doctoral degree.

By the way.

I just turned 54 and I’m still in school.

And by the other way.

Im going to do another degree after I’m finished with this one.

I want my last day of school to me the last day of my life.



There’s that.

I also work full time.

So there’s that too.

Im a licensed marital family therapist (LMFT).

And I currently serve as the clinical director of a busy dual diagnosis program in Malibu.

And trust and believe when I tell you this.

That is like a full-time fucking job.

Like 60 hours a week.

People calling you on weekends and shit.

It’s a lot.

My doctoral work is focused on trauma and addiction.

And let me also tell you this.

Working in the field while you’re training is like the only way to fly.

I love being a clinician/scholar and I have no intention to quit doing all that.

But as you are already probably gathering.

It’s kind of a lot to juggle.

And (and…) I have another thing that I want to add to that shit pile (shit mountain