A review by ideallyinspired
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


I can promise you 3 things if you plan to read this book:

1.) YOU WILL CRY. Yes, CRY. I don't mean get teary-eyed, or misty. I mean EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN, CHEST PAINS, SOBS, and being inconsolable. (Well, maybe not the last one, but you get the point...) This book takes you through so many intense emotions, that at times I felt things that even I didn't understand.

2.) YOU WILL EXPERIENCE "FEELINGS". Mayhap, TOO MANY FEELINGS. Echo and Noah's journey throughout this book will bring you to your knees with grief, pain, anger, love, confusion, frustration, unease, and devastation. Whenever I read books like this, I take notes. LOTS AND LOTS of notes. I like to keep track of my "feelings". I felt like my heart was in a vice grip the whole time, I was on the edge of sadness and sobbing with every turn. I truly connected with this story. It addressed some serious issues. It's not your cookie-cutter romance, or sunshine-and-daisies coming of age tale. This is real, honest, intense, and believable.

3.) After you read this, YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. This book was BRILLIANT. Wonderfully written. Absolute genius. I am extremely eager to get my hands on book 2!