A review by andjhostet
The Iron Heel by Jack London


Basically one of the first major political dystopias written in the modern sense. It's super cool too, basically the book is an old manuscript about an attempted socialist revolution, before the world was taken over by oligarchic tyrannical capitalists. There's basically two stories being told, one in the socialist narrative itself occurring in the past, and one in the footnotes, showing glimmers of some of the capitalist horrors that occurred in the decades/centuries after this manuscript. Super neat way to tell a story.

It's definitely not without its faults. It's super heavy handed, and I would maybe call it similar to a socialist version of an Ayn Rand dystopia, like Anthem, but you know... Actually good. And thematically opposite to any coherent thought Ayn Rand tried to impart onto her readers.

The pacing is also a bit rough at times. The first half is interesting, but very little action. The last quarter of the book is ridiculously intense, with absolutely no reprieve, until the book ends abruptly mid sentence.