A review by klsteel
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


This is the only book by Rainbow Rowell I’ve ever read. It’s probably going to remain that way. Everything I’ve heard and read about Eleanor and Park makes me cringe, so I’m staying the hell away from that.

When I first started reading, I related to Cath. I lasted an entire WEEK at a larger university before transferring back to my hometown college.
But let’s get something straight. I am not that socially inept. Cath is borderline hermit. There’s a fine line between social anxiety and being unable to function in any situation. There’s got to be more going on there.

As quoted from Goodreads reviewer Khanh:

“‘Levi said. “It’s hard for me to get my head around. It’s like hearing that Harry Potter is gay.’

Ok, why the fuck are you referencing Harry Potter after having based the entire book around a fictionalized version of Harry Potter known as Simon Snow? Why?!”

True dat.

Pretty much everything from then on in that review is the truth. I think what Rainbow failed to understand is that there are SO many “nerds”, “geeks”, and “fangirls” out there, that no one is ever truly alone in their loves. Just look at all the fans Cath had for her fanfiction! I’m highly skeptical that no one, out of the thousands that read it, ever tried to contact Cath and be her friend.

Online friends are real friends too.

There’s the typical, handsome-random-dude-finds-girl-with-social-problems-and-weird-cultural-interests-surprisingly-appealing trope.

Levi was a good guy and all, but I just didn’t find myself jumping on-board that love train.

And Cath’s sister made me think of my own. 100%.

I do enjoy Rainbow’s writing. I do. I just think that her stories could use a little more thought and a little less hipster.
