A review by pagesplotsandpints
Everbound by Brodi Ashton


4 stars

Initial Impressions:: So as much as I wasn't a fan of the first book, this one was more intriguing. I didn't get there though until the VERY end. If I could rate JUST the ending, it would get 5 stars but the rest of the book is a four.

I'm still not totally sold on the Everneath, but I was really glad I got to see a lot more of it in this book and it really helped me understand everything. I finally felt like it was a bit more believable. And I really started to like Cole! Who'd have thought.

Review originally posted on The Book Addict's Guide: Compared to EVERNEATH, I found EVERBOUND to be leaps and bounds more enjoyable. Was it stellar? The answer that for me is still no, but I really got into the sequel much more than the original. I think part of it was the fact that I actually read the physical copy of this book instead of the audiobook (I was in a constant fight with the narrator of the EVERNEATH. It just wasn’t enjoyable) and I got to hear the voices as I pictured them sounding.

I found EVERBOUND to be a lot more exciting than its predecessor since in book two, we get to learn a lot more about the Everneath in general as well as the abilities and activities of all of the “beings” that reside there, including Everlivings like Cole. I was much more excited than the first book and was really captivated with all of the new ideas and explanations. EVERBOUND was much more action-packed and we really get further into the mythology side of the book.

I’m still so-so on Nikki’s character. For the first half of the book, I couldn’t help but compare her to Bella in New Moon – completely lost, utterly alone, and really depressed after losing her love interest. It was kind of annoying to read and okay, I get that you love him and you’d do anything to get him back, but the way it was written was bothering me and that whole deal just didn’t translate well from words to feelings for me.

NOW I get what people are saying with “OMG that ending!” because seriously – As a person who wasn’t entirely thrilled about the series to begin with, yes. OMG, that ending!!!! If I could rate the ending alone? It would have been five stars, hands down. As a whole? Not quite as spectacular for me, but definitely better than book one!