A review by mikedeab63
Butcher's Moon by Richard Stark


I'll admit I've completely lost most partiality when it comes to Westlake's Stark books. I love all of them and this one was no exception. For a long time, this looked like the last of the Parker books and it feels like a finale.

It has all the trappings, huge plot, lots of set pieces, tons and tons of returning characters. When I first received the Chicago Press version in the mail, I was shocked at how thick it was. Almost every other Parker iteration was slim and mean. This was sprawling and while I'm not sure it would have worked every time out, it works really well here as a simple plot to regain some hidden cash quickly balloons into an all out war. Are you seriously going to be against Parker?

A fun read, full of call backs and Easter eggs for long time fans. Not sure it's the best introduction to the character, but anyone who has a passing interest in Parker and his hard boiled companions will like this one.