A review by scribepub
The Few by Nadia Dalbuono

Nadia Dalbuono is writing this with both the detachment of an outsider and the understanding of a resident. As with Donna Leon, Dalbuono clearly sees the terrible stagnation and immorality of the system ... The Few is an exciting and compelling read.
Crime Squad

Has Donna Leon found her match?
Maxim Jakubowski, lovereading.co.uk

[An] unsettling detective thriller set in the dark heart of the corrupt Italian political system.
Chris Herde, Daily Telegraph

[A] really good debut ... The plot is murky and messy, the pace is fast and the characters well drawn, conflicted and compromised.
Auckland Herald

[A] professional and confident foray into the realms of crime fiction ... This detective has many more novels in him than the modest two-volume series planned so far.
Kerrryn Goldsworthy, Canberra Times

Corruption, politics, and personal agendas combine to create a murky atmosphere of confusion and chaos. Scamarcio is a complicated character, as befits such a complex storyline ... Slow burning, slow building, but ultimately rewarding.
Tessa Chudy, Good Reading magazine

Packed full of twists and turns with never a dull moment … A real page-turner.
Crime Review

Gripping ... You won't be able to put down this unsettling tale.
The Sun

An excellent mystery and a great foundation for a new series.
RuthAlice Anderson, Tonstant Weader