A review by destrier
Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne


This (currently two book) series by Hearne is a pop fantasy author finally coming into his full potential. It is a good read, not good literature, and is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it series of novels.

This could be the transcript from a dungeons and dragons session of 30-50 year old progressive, kind, goofy, and probably American nerds. It is heavy on 80's and 90's pop culture references, but in a suitably subtle way that you'd not notice if that wasn't your childhood. The dialogue switches from over the top smack talk with Scottish accents to straight American empathetic goody two shoes in a way that is not true to the characters but works very well.

The plots are epic but mostly in the background and throwaway. You're here for the banter of lovely characters and their good dogs and friendly gods in an urban fantasy setting.

In contrast, I didn't like the Iron Druid Chronicles also by Hearne. The dialogue and snark was good, and everything else was off in that series. A decade later, he's returned to that universe but learned a lot about people who aren't 20 year old middle class straight white men, and it shows. (The narrator is straight, white, male, and about 25 in his voice despite being nominally 60, and that's appropriate as well--he's a nice guy, diversity means everyone, and this maps to the author's own experience.)