A review by tumblyhome_caroline
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


A reread. I think this might be the 15th read of this book. Obviously I love it! I do understand it is a bit of a love it or hate it book though.
No summary…but just the reasons I love it

It isn’t a polite tale of manners and clever wit, it is passion all the way.
I love the setting and see the landscape and property in the book as characters in their own right.
I love how it looks at how Injustice and cruelty can be all consuming and ruin lives...it is an exercise in thinking before judging
I love the way this book reads next to King Lear, that I read alongside it as part of the Hardcore Literature book club
I love the way the story is told, the way it unfolds and the questions about the reliability of the narrator
I love the deep love Cathy and Heathcliff had. The passion of that.
I love that it is so different from other books of the era, the characters defy being mere characters in a book
I love the ghost scene near the beginning.
I love that this book has followed me since I was a teenager..over 46 years…and each time I read it it speaks to me slightly differently.