A review by itskeerstin
Darling Venom by Parker S. Huntington


Um. WOW. Talk about a slow burn, GOOD LORD. This book is long as hell, and I almost started to get upset about how long it was taking our main characters to get together, but it eventually happens and I forgot how frustrated I was, haha. I loved how much exposition we got about Kel and Charlotte’s relationship before he commits suicide. I really loved the opening phrase about selfishness, I know it’s a knee jerk reaction for people to say “it’s selfish to kill yourself”, but the opening passage about survivors being selfish for demanding someone continue to live when it’s the last thing they want to do, that’s something I’ve said for years. And it was nice reading the entire book knowing that the author was coming from that place as well. I’ve had friends shoot themselves and try to OD on pills, and suicide is obviously a very delicate subject. I think that the author did an amazing job portraying Charlotte and Tate’s griefs, and how different they were. How two people can grieve the same person so differently, but still the same. And I thought it was poetic (and not cheesy) when Tate proposed on the same roof. Definitely enjoyed this long, long ride. :)