A review by brii_brii
Phobia: A Nocticadia Bonus Novella by Keri Lake


This felt… unnecessary. 

There wasn't enough of it to make an impact, and what was there just served to frustrate me rather than make me happy. 

Caed’s character just felt like a ripoff of
Devryk. Teacher student relationship and all. Why make them so similar? Especially when it's just a tiny little Novella off a very large novel, it doesn't make sense to me. 

I could have used some insight into Caed. But instead all we got was this psycho dude that was into Lilias sister, who, by the way, just threw everything her sister worked for for ages out the window as soon as she met a guy.

I don't know. It was a nice idea having him come save her from a serial killer. But that's all this Novella was. A nice idea.