A review by lovewitch
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov


Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita, Lolita. Repeat until the page is full, printer.

(Strangely beautiful but disturbing.)
So i saw a lot of people giving this book a low rating because they say it's disgusting, pedo pornography. Bitch we all know. If you can't put that aside while reading/rating it, why did you buy it. It's not like we go into it thinking we will have a jolly good time. This book is certainly not for everyone. Personally, i really like watching fucked up horror movies so i don't really get shocked or grossed out, but if you are kinda sensitive & not in the mood to read a book about a grown ass man being obsessed with nymphtes because he didn't get laid when he was 15, skip it?. It is an excellent book tho and i do recommend you read it.
'The word is incest...You are crazy.'
This crazy pedo will stop at nothing until he gets his nymphet, Lo. Lee. Ta. His crazy ass got with her mom just to be close to the child. He took this poor and inocent¿ girl and fucked up her life. Some people say that he wasn't always at fault because Lo sometimes wanted to fuck him but biiitch. Are you insane? She was a child that let's be real got 'brainwashed' but H.H.
'The house was still Lo-less'
Comedy gold?
"Had I done to Dolly, perhaps, what Frank Lasalle, a fifty-year-old mechanic, had done to eleven-year-old Sally Horner in 1948?"
He is self-aware and knows that what he does is a sin and wrong but that ain't stopping him from trying to get it on with his 12 year old stepdaughter. I think that sometimes he tries to make us, the jury, feel bad for him and understand why he does what he does but at the same time he mentions that what he does is wrong. Before reading this i heard a lot of people defend him and his actions and whaaat? Why? I always found serial killers and psychos interesting but they don't deserve any sympathy and can all rot. Will you all just stop?
I watched the movie god knows how many years ago and i could never understand why people call this a tragic or forbitten love story. You gross ass bitches need help. This is a story about a sick, sick man and a poor child that got basically kidnapped and raped.
The story that inspired this is fucking tragic. The only possitive thing that came out of that story is Lolita by Lana Del Rey *don't @ me you cunts, it's a good song*.