A review by larksnest
Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce


The final book in the Alanna series!

Final thoughts:

Starting with book three, Alanna is basically a grown up. I have always categorized these books as "childrens" as well as adventure, but I don't think that's the case anymore. Its for anyone who likes adventures, as our heroine does.

I was unsure about the different love interests introduced for a while.. it smelled faintly of a love triangle, which I truly don't like. But this is something else entirely. This is being able to have and end relationships, to take lovers for a time and let things end (without judgement or bad blood). This is so rare in fiction (fantasy or otherwise) that I found it truly refreshing. My girl grew up! She was never shamed for taking more than one lover! Huzzah!

SpoilerIn the end, surprising myself, I had sympathy for Thom at the moment of his death. He did behave in an idiotic way, but he was alone and over his head, and had plenty of time to regret it. I was sad for Alanna, that they never got to reclaim their former friendship from childhood. She really was almost the last person standing, of her first book friends. Though thankfully Coram made it through and received his happy ending.