A review by hugbandit7
The Other Side of the Bridge by Camron Wright


This is the story of two individuals with ties to the Golden Gate bridge's construction via family members. It is told from two different viewpoints which was a smidge confusing to me at first, but it did not take long to get into the swing of the characters and their lives.

Kate intrigued me and I found her passion for research interesting. Of course, at one point it becomes an obsession for her when trying to find Patrick O'Riley after discovering his journal in her father's study.

Dave Riley seems to have it all until he loses everything. I can't imagine how he dealt with the tragedy that happens and the journey he begins to find himself.

Now you might think that this is a story where Kate and Dave will meet and begin a relationship but it isn't (ok so that is a little bit of a spoiler) but it isn't and is rather a journey for each into the past and looking towards the future. It is also about growth and branching out of their current lives and experience more of what life has to offer.

There is a lot of history about the Golden Gate Bridge in this book and I found it all to be very fascinating. I didn't know a lot about how it was built or even those that might have lost their lives in that pursuit. I am thankful to the author for sharing this information with us.

This book might make you think about your own life and the direction it is heading and if that is where you want it to go or if you need to make a change.