A review by itskeerstin
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer


I’m getting around to writing this after having read all 3 books in the trilogy, so my review is obviously a bit tainted, but I really liked this book (and the series overall)! I love a good Beauty and the Beast retelling, and this was great at that. I loved the CP rep in our main heroine, and I loooooved the teasing of an angsty love triangle/falling in love with the wrong person. I loved the “she’s the only one who can calm him in beast form” trope, and I really appreciated that they didn’t jump into bed immediately and even when the curse was breaking, she still wasn’t sure she loved him. It felt more realistic. I had also heard that books 2 and 3 were useless and to stop with this one, but I’m glad I ended up continuing on!