A review by gabbyreadswithtea
The Sister of the South by Emily Rodda


RATING: 4.5 stars

Loved this series so much! Loved the addition of dragons (since dragons are my fav) and how the storyline was put together, weaving them into the whole plot. Emily Rodda (did you know that's actually a pen name) did a fantastic job creating this series, just like all the others. Even though I struggled to remember some characters since I read the previous two series such a long time ago (about 7 years!) it was written in such a way that I still felt included and had enough information to still understand what was going on.

Not much more to say other than; I'm off to read her next series, Star of Deltora! where I'm sure we will discover the Shadow Lord's next evil plan.
Spoiler (p.s. I loved the short chapter showing what had become of Lief, Barda & Jasmine and their children)

"the Enemy is clever and sly... to its anger and envy a thousand years is like the blink of an eye"
[b:The Sister of the South|212671|The Sister of the South (Dragons of Deltora, #4)|Emily Rodda|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388203905s/212671.jpg|2906304], page 177