A review by amber_lea84
How to Rule the World: A Handbook for the Aspiring Dictator by André de Guillaume


I picked up a copy of this book at a quaint little book shop December of 2016. They had a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump display that was marked 50% off. This was the only book that wasn't actually BY or about either candidate, but they let me have if for half price anyway.

It. is. hilarious.

It also mentions BOTH Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. And I feel the need to point out that this edition was published in 2005, before either of them ran. This book isn't that long (160 small pages) and it really doesn't mention that many people (the index with explanations of who each person is and where they were mentioned is only three pages) so that's kind of amazing.

There was an earlier edition that was published in 2003, and I wonder if that's the version earlier reviewers read because I thought it was well organized and well written. I see a lot of people complaining that it was too serious or their weren't enough jokes, but to me the entire tone of the book is, "THIS IS A LONG JOKE." And it's funny because it's true.

Also, sometimes I feel the need to quote comical criticisms that were said about a book in all earnestness in other reviews.

1) "The illustrations are terribly amateurish. Several real world rulers are depicted, but bear only a suggestive resemblance to their real-life counterparts. Everything in the pictures are odd: shoes are thick rectangles, everyone's head is a square, and the main character (the one on the cover) has pants that are 4x as thick as his legs."

2) "Clearly aimed exclusively at male readers. Kept telling me that if I did x/y/z I would "get women" like women are some kind of ornament."

Yeah, this guide to being a terrible person isn't feminist enough. One star.