A review by gonza_basta
Oblivion: Stories by David Foster Wallace


I don't know if I've gotten too old myself, but unfortunately this book of DFW with all these details, parentheses, digressions, side or footnotes, was too much. I could no longer follow the plot-when it is there-and as much as the writing always remains evidently his as well as the style, I got lost. Not only that, I get lost and bored. Too bad, maybe I'm just too tired, but to try to understand these stories, I always had to go to Wikipedia once I finished.

Non so se sono diventata troppo vecchia io, ma purtroppo questo DFW e tutti questi dettagli, parentesi, digressioni, note a margine o a pié di pagina, mi stancano. Non riesco piú a seguire la trama - quando c'é - e per quanto la scrittura resta sempre evidentemente la sua cosí come lo stile, mi perdo. Non solo, mi perdo e mi annoio. Peccato, forse sono solo troppo stanca, ma per cercare di capire questi racconti, dovevo sempre andare su Wikipedia una volta finiti.