A review by jokeefe28
You Have Not Yet Heard Your Favourite Song: How Streaming Changes Music by Glenn McDonald


First a Disclaimer and then a caveat

Disclaimer: I have known and been friends with glenn (sic) for over 35 years. I do not believe this influenced my review but just be aware.

Caveat: glenn is passionate about music while I merely enjoy it. I know this because music was a primary topic of conversation from when we first met. Heck, I was one of the readers for a very early (printed) attempt of his to catalog music.

With those two out of the way I will say that I find the book both incredibly informative and entertaining. glenn's style of writing matches his speaking style and which helps me digest the topic even if I lack glenn's (ahem) passion.

If you're curious about how Spotify works it's music matching magic or you are simply interested in the more esoteric genre-ficiation of music I think you'll enjoy this book quite a lot. Personally, I came to this from the interest in the underlying technology/algorithms of it but I also picked up a few song recommendations that really worked out for me (thanks for Flight of Icarus glenn).

I suspect there's probably another book in him related to AI as it poked it's head in there towards the end and I'll definitely pick that one up should that happen.