A review by shellballenger
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty

Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I started the Daevabad Trilogy early this summer and your girl did not come this far to not finish the series.

Overall rating: Quick recap - Book #1: I struggled through, loving the characters but having difficulty placing everything and keeping up with the ever-changing scenes/names/magic world. Book #2: I fell harder in love with the characters, loved the development of the storyline, and literally had some gasp-worthy moments. Book #3.....

AHHHHHHH! I'm so incredibly happy with how The Daevabad Trilogy ended. While there is still an opportunity for future visits to our favorite characters, the story came together and more than that, the plot line made sense. I'm so thankful that I stuck it out through these ungodly long audiobooks. Chakraborty truly has a way with words and bringing a story to life. I stand by my original reviews that it is a little difficult to get into the books and that some of the ever-changing names and scenes can make it difficult to follow, but overall, I wouldn't let that stop me from reading the book.

Reader's Note: 'The Empire of Gold' includes themes of slavery, rape, war, and racial hate/injustices. My extended reading time is mainly due to the fact that I loaned out more books than I could realistically read (and the fact that this is a nearly 30-hour audiobook) and my library loan lapsed. It is not an indication of my enjoyment of 'The Empire of Gold.'