A review by inkerly
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Jim Collins, Stephen R. Covey


4 1/2 stars out of 5.

I really liked this book. As I was reading, I took his words to heart, and searched introspectively at the things in my life that reflected the paradigm I was stuck in and the paradigm I wanted to be in. I suffer from Youtube-itis. So my journey with this book transcended my flawed viewpoints from a ---you guessed it---pleasure-centered paradigm's perspective.

I think what makes this book so great and beloved by many is that the author isn't making vague, capitalized talking points. Through research and personal reflection, the author has come to and shared these conclusions about the 7 habits that effective people implement in their day-to-day lives. A book like this that makes you question and seek questions to your daily psyche is a book worth stocking on your bookshelf.

Although I am agitated by the ebook version, where it's almost impossible to fully interact with the book in a 3-d spiritual experience, I cultivated so much knowledge and skillsets from this one book and purchased my own physical copy to keep strengthening my learning. Thank you , Stephen Covey.