A review by chronicreader96
Idol by Louise O'Neill


I write this review with a pounding heart, this book has managed to deliver so much tension and power. I could not stop reading it!

Idol follows Samantha Miller, a woman whose career has gone from success to success. However, when her old best friend gets back in touch, highlighting she has a different memory of an event, Samantha’s world comes tumbling down.

I never reread a blurb before I start reading a book, which worked amazingly with this read because it added an extra twist early on. From that moment I was completely hooked. I absolutely devoured this book and did not want to put it down. By the end I had chills coursing through me. Louise deals with some very difficult topics, and yet I was completely swept up in this incredibly harrowing read. It highlights how the life people put online can be so far from reality.

Throughout the majority of this book I didn’t like a single character. But it actually worked really well to keep me engaged and wanting more. By the end there were two characters that really stole my affections, one of which managed to bring a huge smile to my face as they showed their true cunning and strength. This is a book that is going to stay with me for a long time. I wish I could erase it from my memory and read it all again from the start.

I would recommend this to any fans of thrillers but please be aware that there are triggers. I want to thank Netgalley, Random House UK, Transworld Publishers, Bantam Press and Louise O’Neill for sending me a copy of this book so I can give my personal thoughts.