A review by inbooktravels
Tempting the Beast by Lora Leigh


I’ve read this series before and remember liking it, but could’n exactly explain the story or plots, so decided to try again and gave it another chance with the audio version. This was not the best audio for me, I think there was too much sex to listen and it didn’t help, but I loved the book. Just discovered that erotica and audio don’t mix right in my brain. There’s always other books for that.

The couple was okay, but I liked Merinus better. Still don’t know where her name came from, but she’s strong and very firm. I liked the way she handled things and never gave up. Callam was the best alpha male, he had a hard time understand the mating and saving everyone at the same time. But he’s very possessive. And I loved the ending. There’s not much of the back story, but we can understand that some humans decided to mix DNA of animals with some human DNA. Callam and the rest of the Pride are these different shifters.