A review by pagesplotsandpints
One Moment by Kristina McBride


Initial Impressions 6/11/12: 4.5/5 stars
I really enjoyed reading this book! It was a sad story of course, since it revolves around the death of Maggie's boyfriend Joey (Maggie being the main character of course) and the best friend of Maggie's group of 6 friends. It was a very touching story as well as adding an extra layer of drama in there when secrets come out after Joey's death. We get a little touch of soap opera (but not enough to be cheesy or annoying!) when drama unfolds within the group and friends are pitted against each other instead of being brought together by the death of their friend. Overall, I really enjoyed it.

Full review originally posted on The Book Addict's Guide: This is one of the better contemporary YA books I've read recently. There were a few layers to the story which added a lot more to it than just teens greiving after the loss of their friend.

I really liked Maggie's character -- Although she seems like a pretty average girl, typical teenage thoughts and reactions, there was just something about her that I was on her side the whole book. I still got a lot of youthfulness out of her but at the same time, not to the point where I was annoying with immaturity.

The whole ordeal of Joey's death was very sad of course, and like many common reactions attached to an accident, a few of the kids started blaming themselves, Maggie especially. We see how each of them copes with Joey's death as they try to move on with their lives, but you really feel how hard it is for Maggie and she's not quite sure where anything fits anymore when the boy she loves died, and it might be her fault.

Without adding any spoilers, I really liked how the story was taken to another level that added real conflict among friends. Friendships were made stronger and completely torn apart by details that were unearthed after Joey's death. It introduced a lot of drama into the story, but the secrets that were revealed were told begrudgingly, so each character only divulges a piece of the puzzle when they're ready to say so. I was completely pulled into the story and I kept wanting to read more and more until I knew the whole truth.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this! Definitely will look into any other books by Kristina McBride.