A review by sycokittykat
Falling for Cupid by Emily Klepp



Two words: Tactile Telepathy

This is purely smut and it is 🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵🔥 so hot. 

Virgin girl who grew up in a super religious family has never had an orgasm. However, whenever she is at work she feels like someone is trying to make her cum. Turns out her boss is cupid, a demon who plans to claim her as his mate. 

Once marked as mates they must do the dead and then the next 14 days is nonstop train action for both male and female participants. Oh but it happens that Cupid is a twin and so she is his mate as well. 

The rest of the story is non-stop smut and more orgasms than humanly possible. It's fantastic.