A review by roxsannel
Revelations by Izzibella Beau


Zach and Emily are just two seniors in high school in West Lakes, Zach is part of a big family and is close to his siblings, but he has friends who are like family to him as well, but Emily is the new kid in town with only her Aunt who she lives with, but no friends because she moves around so much because of her Aunt’s work. As they both embark on a new school year, they are polar opposites from completely separate worlds, but when those worlds collide nothing will be the same.

As Zach prepares for his new school year, he has the usual single word conversation with his younger brother as he is woken up too early by him coming home too late, they are the complete opposite in personality, if not in looks, but they are still family despite annoying each other to death, whereas Emily is still unpacking from her move and takes a welcome break to go to the mall with her Aunt to get some new clothes for the start of the new school year, she wants to make a good impression as the new kid in town and is not overly sure that the nerves aren’t going to get the better of her in the end.

When the fateful first day arrives, Zach is happy to see his friends, but when he has to go to the administrators office to get his schedule instead of it being at the seniors table, he is more than annoyed with the delay, but when he enters, there is a girl in there before him, she intrigues him, but when she turns around he is lost and when she turns around she isn’t as stunned into silence as him. This girl is Emily as she collects her schedule as well after being dropped off at the school, she smiles at the hot guy standing in front of her, but politely excuses herself when he just stands there and stares at her rudely. As she is trying to find her way to her locker and first period, she is approached by a couple of girls as she is attempting to keep her head down and avoid the usual stares and comments as she walks by, especially from the other hot guys who were in the office before her and it turns out that the guy from earlier is in her first period and as the girls introduce themselves and him, he walks her to their class, but barely says two words to her.

Zach is completely distracted by Emily and has no idea why as he doesn’t normally react to girls like that and it makes him more and more annoyed as the day goes on, especially when Emily is invited to join their group at lunch and then to shopping, the football game and the dance afterwards that Friday. As the days pass, Zach gets a handle on his emotions and inner conflicts and gets to know Emily more, she is as happy with this turn of events as he is and they become closer as time goes on. Will this be the moment when Emily can finally stop moving around and will Zach finally find an attraction like he never has before, or is it all just teenage hormones and nothing more? This is a sweet romance with some adult themes, but it is a romance with a twist which keeps you wanting to know more about their different worlds and what will happen as time goes on between them.