A review by hikaoru
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa


This isn't a proper review but I'd hate it if I look back at the end of the year & see blank because my goldfish brain won't remember anything except some random plot or something.

Read this because Jap Lit is somehow it these days. What differentiate this from reading manga is how surreal everything is.

It's about living in a police state, in constant terror of being taken for non-comformity. In a way, it is absurd to let go of your belongings just because your government tells you too. And in this case, they take it one step further, just erase it from your brain. Poof.

出る釘は打たれる- the nails that sticks out get hammered down.
Or in this one, killed. But those who stayed, in the end died as well. Isn't it better to just resist then?

Reviewers compared it to various classics and well, I haven't read any so can't relate. Maybe I should. Sigh.