A review by joshmillernj
God Is Closer Than You Think: If God Is Always with Us, Why Is He So Hard to Find? by John Ortberg


Ortberg has a way with words...I thank God for talented authors like Him who write books to strengthen Christians in their walk with Him.

I had to keep a pen nearby as I constantly came across nuggets of truth. The way which Ortberg weaves illustrations with Biblical truth makes a strong impact upon the reader.

Chapter seven, Spiritual Pathways, was probably my favorite. In matter of fact, I took an evening before bedtime this past week and read the chapter to my family. In my opinion, the truth was profound. In the chapter, Ortberg lays out the premise that because God made us individuals, certain "growth pathways" will resonate better with some. He lays out the following pathways and the dangers associated with them:

1. Intellectual Pathway
2. Relational Pathway
3. Serving Pathway
4. Worship Pathway
5. Activist Pathway
6. Contemplative Pathway
7. Creation Pathway

He is not saying you will only grow in the area of your pathway. What he is proposing is that because people are different, they will each respond favorably on different pathways.

Every Christian would benefit from the truths contained in this book.