A review by eantoinette285
La alondra by Sylvain Reynard


Are any of us really shocked that Reynard has come up with another dazzling installment to his series? I'm definitely not!

As the girl who can swear she has not met a vampire novel she's actually liked to date (I honestly don't even read them), I can honestly say, this series is the exception and you must give it a go!

Combining romance, thrill, mystery, fantasy, history, culture, and danger that spans across the globe and centuries as well, The Shadow is a roller coaster of a ride and fantastic continuation of The Raven, and our newest swoony book boyfriend, William York.

Raven and William are learning the ropes of their alluring feelings to one another, but with her being a human, and him being something other worldly, they face their fair share of challenges.

Not only are they approaching the unknowns of their relationship with caution, but trouble seems to be lurking around every corner. The police are investigating Raven for the theft of priceless Dante pieces that have gone missing from the Ufizzi, William must face a traitor among his own kind, Raven's abusive step father is back in the picture, and an order of Jesuit priests (known as The Curia) are trying to take Raven from William and separate the lovers for good.

Speaking of Dante, our beloved professor from the Gabriel series, Mr. Emerson, and his beloved Julianne make return cameos. Although they weren't as prominent as they were in book one (there's no such thing as "too much" when it comes to the professor), I still adored getting more time with the Emersons and their growing family.

William York may be the epitome of darkness, but Raven sees his internal light, and so do I. I can't help but take his side and hope everything turns out for the best for these two!

PS- the bonus bit with Gabriel & Julia in the end had me fangirling like no other! At first, I wasn't sure what to make of it, but letting it fester in my brain a bit after I had shut the book had me thinking my darling professor just got a million times hotter (which I didn't know was possible)!