A review by sarahscupofcoffee
Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland


This is one of those five star reads where you just stare into space after completing it, not knowing what to say or do with yourself. I wish I could gush about this book and talk about all of these insightful happenings, but I'm finding myself doing what I hate in book reviews.

This book was amazing and perfect and dark and tantalizing. You need to read it.

I'm sorry that this book review is going to be one of those, "it was good and I highly recommend it," but that's what it is.

I can't divulge too much of the plot line without spoiling the whole damn thing, but trust me it's worth a read.

One thing that I can comment on is the asexuality rep, which is golden (in my asexual opinion). Not only was the word "asexual" never whispered in the pages of this novel, but Strickland used the golden rule of not telling beautifully. She never defined asexuality, but she showed us how Kamai views sex and made it abundantly clear that she's ace.

Kamai's ace-ness was also woven into the plot in a subtle way. This story was not about coming out or coming to terms with her asexuality (as a main plot, anyway). Her asexuality was a characterization arc rather than a storyline, which I absolutely loved.

I felt seen by this novel and I couldn't be more appreciative of A.M. Strickland's writing for that.

That's all. Read this book. You won't regret it.